Tuesday, June 26, 2007

MOMMY&ME LISTAMANIA (for the 0‐3 age group)

Hi all,

As I was snooping around for a new bunch of books for my daughter who recently turned 3, I thought it would be nice to put together a list of the books that have grown on us in the past 3 years, the books that are mostly strewn on the couch, bedside table or floor rather than being snug on the bookshelf :) So, TA-DA... presenting our new MOMMY&ME LISTAMANIA (for the 0-3 age group).

I hope this will come in handy before your quick trip to the bookstore or library!



  1. fantastic list! I see a few titles that we haven't explored yet ..thanks for sharing!

  2. Very handy! Just the perfect list that one might want to use!

    I for sure will use it when I look around for my one yr old! :-)

    I like the fact that it has just 10 books as opposed to an overwhelming number that you usually see on other websites/lists..

    thank you!

  3. Thanks for sharing your list. As Praba had mentioned, I think I will find it useful for my daughter, who is 9 months old now. But I am not sure as to how many of these I can get in India.
