Thursday, March 01, 2012

Happy 108th, Theodor Geisel!

You've inspired, educated and entertained millions around the world. Whether it is the numerous ridiculous rhymes or wacky words, or the aboundingly attractive alliterations, or fantabulous fantasy frameworks, for decades, your books have charmed their way into the hearts of children and grown-ups alike!

We at Saffron Tree thought what better way to celebrate but to revisit some Seussical gems that we have enjoyed sharing in the past!

1) Nonsensical sense - From 2011, here's all the wonderful books our contributors put together.

2) Delightfully delicious ones in inimitable Seussirific style here, celebrating the day in 2010!

Sure, you gave us the Cat in the Hat, the master balance-r of things! But, what I love most about your books is the manner in which you, much like the cat in your stories, so effortlessly balance countless fun words and quirky lines, page after page, giving grown-ups and children all over the world, some very clever content and peppy rhymes! You are a real master, Mr.Creator of Cat in the hat!

We love you, Ted! And a very happy birthday to you!:)

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  1. Happy Birthday, Dr.Seuss! You are much-loved as an honorary member of our family!

    And, thanks, P, for writing those words straight from your heart.

  2. loving your blog, keep it up, as always!
