by Satoru Onishi
Suggested age: preschoolers, 2-5 years
Who's Hiding? is an exquisitely charming, yet simple concept book for preschoolers, (and older toddlers), in which Satoru Onishi presents over a dozen recognizable animals, half a dozen colors, and the concepts of camouflage and emotions, while charging the young minds to concentrate and conjecture.
The deceptively simple cover is what drew me to the book at the library initially. But, now that it has been home for a week and much-enjoyed by adult and toddler alike, I am driven to share it here.
A cursory flip through the book might suggest monotony and tedious repetition. But, all that changes once we start interacting with the book. For, every page poses a question challenging the little minds to figure out the answer. It is a picture puzzle book of sorts, combining the stimulation and observational skills required of Memory Cards and the I-Spy games.
The primary appeal of this book is the visual challenge. It has no story. In the first double-page spread, the animals are introduced in specific positions with characteristic features that distinguish them easily, each in a solid color – like green hippo, blue bear, orange zebra, brown lion, red rhino and so on – who look straight at the reader with a seemingly docile and neutral expression to begin with (except for the zebra, which in my adult perspective seems quite fierce throughout the book).
Subsequent pages each render the animals in the same order and color throughout, as a double-page spread, except, each spread poses a single question like "Who's hiding?" or "Who's crying?" or "Who's angry?", the answer for which is cleverly embedded in the images on that page by making subtle changes to the original images introduced in the first spread.
For instance, early in the book, on my first read, when we came upon, "Who's crying?", my adult mind tarried a bit by which time Ana spotted the crying bunny and pointed it out excitedly.
It seemed like the questions become progressively harder to answer with each spread. "Who's angry?" seemed the most challenging for me to answer.
The crowning glory of the book is the last spread where the lights are turned out on the animals, asking, "Who's who?" while the illustration simply reveals their respective pairs of eyes on a dark page challenging the reader’s memory to identify each animal on its allotted spot on the page.
There is an answer key at the end of the book which seems superfluous considering how well the illustrations serve to identify the answers, encouraging the readers to simply pay close attention to details in the spread.
This clever concept and visual puzzle book will quickly become a favorite with toddlers and preschoolers, encouraging observation and inference skills not only based on pattern recognition, but also on memory skills.
Your concept book selections for toddlers are always unique and refreshing, and the reviews - needless to mention - what a delightful read!
LOL at the zebra one-liner! :-)
Loved every bit, and hoping to we get a chance to look at the book with my toddler. She might be a little too young for this one right now. But in a few months, it'll be perfect for her.
I really get bored reading S the same old books that I read to K - Sandra Boynton, Dr.Seuss, Eric Carle and the usual ones...This is a really neat puzzle concept book you've reviewed.. Kane/Miller is the publisher, isn't it? Love their books! :-) Thanks, Sheela!
sounds really nice..
thanks praba, satish, yes, Kane Miller and I was laughing at their author bio for Santoru Onishi - check it out if you get a chance...
Also, you know, i wanted to mention this in the post:
the only downside i saw to this book is if the child likes it too much and asks to read it back to back (like Ana did), by the 4th read they can close their eyes and answer from memory:) which isn't necessarily a bad thing... so, i try to hide the book for 2 days and then bring it out... thankfully their long term memories are not all that strong at this age :)
We just checked this book out at the library. My daughter is 19 months...oh my gosh. She cried tonight because she kept wanting to read it. She has always been a book reader but I have never seen this. She already signs that the rhino is sleeping and can show us who is hiding. Fantastic book....hiding it for a while is a good idea.
Grabbed this book when I saw it the other day at the lib. And what a (clever)delight! The toddler loves it and is very excited when he knows the answer. However when we get to the page with multiple pairs of eyes in the dark, all he does is grin, saying "owls, owls":) Thanks Sheela for this great pointer!
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