Friday, October 30, 2009


Thank you all for your enthusiasm, effort, time, and support for CROCUSWORD! Hope you all enjoyed it...OK..OK..I know, I am getting to it...of course...the winner..right?

Ramya Priya was the first to send Saffron Tree an email with all the correct answers!


We are pleased to inform that Karadi Tales is sponsoring the prize for the winner! The winner will be receiving one copy of a book and CD from Karadi's latest series - Will you Read with me? Many thanks to the Karadi Team!

Here the answers for the crossword -


2. Dress us in a different hat, to get his name right off the bat! (2, 5) DR SEUSS

5. The bug, the caterpillar and the bear, for example, all belong to him (4, 5) ERIC CARLE

7. This always calls for a celebration, here at Saffron Tree – time for a book on recycling may be (5, 3) EARTH DAY

9. You wait with flowers, for something new might happen every time this letter is delivered (10) BLOOMWATCH

10. Are men killed, without ed, brutally, in this big publishing house? No. (4, 6) KANE MILLER


1. A …………… called moonlight. There seems to be many books here about this domestic pal! (6) KITTEN

3. If you can get past the stigma you can spice things up with this (7) SAFFRON

4. I go blind crazily every time I see this award! (8) INDIBLOG

6. The confounded cattle doc managed to get the medal for his book (9) CALDECOTT

8. Books from this Indian publisher, galore here (6) TULIKA

If you have any questions regarding the answers, please feel free to email



Praba Ram said...

Congrats, Ramya! And thanks to all who participated.

Nice fun. Loved all the clues. Very nicely done, M!

Anusha said...

congrats, Ramya!
and Meera - the clues were clever, very well done :)

B o o said...

Argh! "Indiblog", was it? *bangs head against the wall*
No second prize? ;)
Congrats Ramya and good show, Meera! Loved the clues. Except for 4 down of course! :)

utbtkids said...
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utbtkids said...

Indiblog? Crafty Meera.

^ ^

Meera Sriram said...

Thank you Sheela and Praba!
Boo: Thanks. Congratulations anyways! There are many who qualify for the second place; else we would have considered one more give away. Sorry:(
UTBT, not very crafty considering it is an anagram:)) Congratulations to you too!

Meera Sriram said...

Sorry, I meant to thank Kodi's mom:))

Tharini said...

Congrats Ramya! What a fabulous, fun prize! :)

ranjani.sathish said...

Hey Rp !!!
Congratulations :-)))))). This morning as soon as I got up I just ran to the comp to check this and I am so happy to see your name here !

This was a very good crossword ! I could not figure out Saffron and Indiblog ..Ramya was the one who told me and I said "Oh no ...all these stare at us right in the front page and I could not even think of it "!

(PS: Ramya Priya is my closest friend from college !)

sathish said...

rp, congratulations!!!

Meera Sriram said...

Oh, nice to know that Ramya is your friend, R! And don't beat yourself up for not finding the words; that's what crosswords are meant do - even a simple word we use often like CAT or BAT can be made undecipherable:)) I am very happy that you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Meera,
The clues were cool and I really had fun solving CROCUSWORD and was admiring your skills in devising cryptic clues! It made me fondly reminisce about the days when I used to loose sleep over unsolved hindu crossword clues every day and all the analysis that we had around the clues and the possible answers! :-)
Thanks for coming up with this crossword!

Praba, Kodi's Mom, Boo, Tharini, Ranjani and Sathish - Thanks very much for your wishes!

ST Team - Congrats once again for the splendid job!
Looking forward for CROCUS 2010!


utbtkids said...

Wow, hi RP. Congrats!

B o o said...

Hi Meera! was just kidding about the 2nd prize! :)
RP - You are THAT RP!!! Im not jealous anymore then! ;) congrats again!

Meera Sriram said...

Me too RP - the "fondly reminisce the days" part. Just as Boo and Ranjani did, I often used to go for 'The Hindu' the next morning, see the answers and go "Tch Tch"!
Anyways, congratulations once again and thanks for your kind words!

Choxbox said...

congrats ramya!

and 'INDIBLOG' it was!

Poppy said...

I missed all the excitement! Congratulations to Ramya - but why is everyone going - 'Oh that RP?!' Am I missing something here?

Anonymous said...

utbtkids/boo - thanks :-)
meera - i can totally relate to what you have written!
choxbox,poppy - thanks very much!

Anonymous said...

sorry, forgot to add my name in the previous comment

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