Illustrator : Amit Vaccharajni
Publisher : Scholastic India
Image source : Flipkart
Here is a collection of animal stories by renowned Indian authors. The stories range from funny, witty, amusing to down right hilarious incidents ! Some of the well known authors are Ruskin Bond, Asha Nehemiah, Anushka Ravishankar, Zai whitaker. The stories were very entertaining to my kids when I read it out to them during their bed time sessions!
My eight year old son, loved the story by Ruskin Bond called "Grandpa fights on ostrich", wherein the author talks about his own grandpa's encounter with a wild ostrich in Africa. The story keeps you on your toes and you breathe a sign of relief when the story ends!! So what actually happens when Grandpa meets the wild ostrich? You have to pick the book and read for yourself :-).
He liked the story so much that he wanted to read more of Ruskin Bond (he has not read Ruskin Bond books before this) and we found another interesting book called "The Hidden Pool". This book talks about the interesting adventures of three boys in the hill side and my son thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.
Coming back to this collection of animal stories, I was very impressed with Asha Nehemiah's story involving a talking cat! Two children travelling back to their home after the summer holidays in a train all alone (due to unavoidable reasons), their problems with the ticket collector and the talking cat coming to their rescue, make for a very riveting and witty read. Along with the children you wonder ...a talking cat? It is not a fantasy story, so how do you explain a talking cat? The mystery unravels itself in the end and you can't help admiring the author for an intelligent story like this :-).
Zai Whitaker's "Kali and the rat snake" also figures in this book. The simple and beautiful black and white illustrations in the stories are by Amit Vachharajani. This book is available at flipkart.
Sounds interesting R - all favourite authors in these parts!
Btw check out this book by Nehemiah called 'The Mystery of the Hair Oil Formula'. Bet your 8-yr old will love it. We've also got a couple of CBT books by her - 'The Runaway Wheel', "Granny's Sari', "Wedding Clothes' and 'Mrs Woolly's Funny Sweaters' - I like every one of them, as do the kids.
Ruskind Bond's Children's Omnibus is a much loved book and been gifted around many a time. My fav is The Blue Umbrella :)
I especially loved Asha Nehemiah's story in this wonderful collection.
Seems just the kind of book I can recommend to my neighbour who has been asking me what her 11yr old son can read, as he finds most books she gets him to be "too girly". Thanks. Will look out for this one.
Chox, yes will check out the book you mentioned. We also have The runaway wheel and wedding clothes and her books are truly enjoyable !! I personally thought that even "Wedding clothes" was a very intelligent story !
I saw the Omnibus this weekend at Crosswords and thought may be will get it a little later for sooraj (based on the reading level). After the set of mails on this, I feel like picking this book for myself !!
Sandhya, yeah you can recommend this book, but I am wondering if a 11 yr old boy might find it a bit kiddish. May be he will enjoy "The Hidden Pool" better. But yes...no harm suggesting books to anyone :-)
Ranjani, I have ordered this book rightaway even before commenting on it. I wanted to introduce Ruskin Bond's writings to my son, this would be a great beginning.
Chox, thanks for the other titles. I have added these books too to my list.
good vibha ! Let me know if R enjoyed the stories.
Ranjani you had me at grandpa and ostrich :)
Ranjani you had me at grandpa and ostrich :)
A true gem, it seems. Will send in a request to family in India soon:)
Thanks R.
Thanks Utbt and Meera ! Meera, I have not seen this book in any of the book stores that I visit regularly here. Got it from our library and then saw that it was available on flipkart. just fyi ....!
Seems like a lovely collection. I have heard so much about Asha Nehemiah, but haven't had a chance to read her books. I definitely have to get this one, and also the ones Chox has mentioned. Thanks for this neat pointer,R!
Reading stories from this book! What a delight. R especially enjoyed how the giraffe got his long neck:) I've been reading it aloud and loving the sessions.
Thanks R!!!
Ranjani, I am reading this book currently. Awesome. The older child was lying next to me, looked at me, slowly put her book away and snuggled close to me. So she will pick it up soon.
First time I am reading Sampurna Chattarji, took immediate liking to her style.
Can't wait to read Vijaya Ghose and Anushka's How giraffe got a long neck.
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