Written and illustrated by Shankar
Publisher : CBT (Children's Book Trust )
Ages : 5+
While basking in the warm and fuzzy feeling of grandparental love as exuded by Sandhya's book review, I thought it would be perfect to write the review of another book of this kind that we are reading now. "Life with Grandfather" was picked by me from an obscure corner of a library that I have access to. The highlight and charm of this book is it's simplicity.
In this book, a little boy narrates his life experiences as he grows in his grandparents' house. He is the darling of the house, pampered by everyone. Well, the grandfather makes sure that he appears stern and strict with the grandson, but nevertheless his love and affection for the child, shows in every little action of his. The mischief of the boy, his grandfather's typical stern reactions, their companionship, the experiences in the fields, temple, school transport us to a world quite similar to Swami's !
The text is very simple and perfect for early chapter readers. The pencil sketches have a warmth, beauty and simplicity that definitely touches us. I noticed that this book was first printed in 1965. It is a pity that such wonderful books are not to be seen so easily in any of the book stores. But the good thing I noticed is that it is available on Flipkart ! My 4 year old daughter was smiling at the funny antics of the boy as I read to her. He is a character that all the kids would find quite endearing. I am sure all of us would be reminded of our own grandfathers as we read about this wonderful but strict grandpa :-)
The book has some very simple and amazing illustrations - a small tweak of face to illustrate different emotions.
Do check out the full book in Google Books - Life with Grandfather
wow thanks- will look this up
Nice review Ranjani.
Read it a few months back. A lovely story very simplistically told, that is what I like about CBT books.
Lovely! I remember reading this as a kid.
A favourite and one of the gems that CBT rbought out with good quality cover, illustrations!
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