Saffron Tree turns five this year. Five. It has a nice ring to it. Mainly because five is an important number in many traditions. There is of course the ancient pentagram or the five pointed star, incidentally, dating back to the Vedas too, as a symbol of man, the five wounds of Christ, the five times a devout Muslim is called to prayer, the five symbols of Sikhism and not so sacred but oh so important, the five fingers on a hand. We at Saffron Tree however, decided to narrow our focus to Aristotle's five classical elements, namely, water, fire, earth, air and ether.
As is usual, we bring you a veritable bonanza. Reviews, art and craft, our very popular Crocusword and interviews galore, of arborists, archeologists, environmentalists and more. Even as I type this I wonder if I've given you too much of a peek. Perhaps I have. So I'm going to stop here and leave you thirsting for more. What I will share with you, is our lovely banner, designed by the very talented Lavanya Karthik. Feast your eyes on it, folks and brace yourself for the smorgasbord ahead. As ever, spread the joy, share the beauty of the written word and tell the world that CROCUS 2011, is almost here.

Very nice MadMomma!
Waiting wide-eyed and wide-smiled for the many delights that are to come!
Great MM! Can't wait!
All grins galore! Great to await the start of CROCUS 2011 with a charming little teaser note from the one and only, Madmomma! :)
;) And now we deliver!
Beautiful as usual TMM.
Waiting anxiously :)
Happy 5th Anniversary from all of us at!! Looking forward to celebrating with you next week at Crocus! We shared about Crocus 2011 on our blog today.
Thank you, Corinne for stopping by and also for spreading the word! Can't wait to kickstart the celebrations. Lots planned - CROCUSWORD our inhouse puzzle, arts/craft projects, interviews besides all the book reviews...Looking forward to seeing you! You have been of great support to us right from the start! Thank you! :)
Just to reiterate what Corinne has already sad - Happy Birthday - we're looking forward to the bonanza - and Lavanya's banner is gorgeous.
PS I did mean said - sad is the last thing on our minds at the moment! Sorry about the typo.
Gearing up for the festivities!
Well opened MM! Can't wait for next week!
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